Airborne Microbes in Natural and Built Environments

Linking atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems

We use next-generation metagenomic sequencing to investigate the microbial composition of air and the spatial and temporal variation of airborne microbial communities.

A balcony on NTU campus during a sunny day
SCELSE researcher Dr. Irvan Luhung performs lab work at a biosafety cabinet in a lab coat and goggles

Sampling Technology & Analysis Pipeline

Developing methods specific towards ultra-low biomass metagenomic sequencing

Three SASS high volume air samplers on tripods set-up on a balcony located at Nanyang Technological University a clear day

Diel Cycle of the Tropical Air

Investigating how microbes in the air follow a precise day-night cycle

Dr. Daniela Moses above a layer of blue grey clouds at the top of the KIT meteorological tower

Vertical Variation of the Air Microbiome

An exploration into the vertical air column in the lower troposphere

SCELSE air microbiome team gathers on a forested road at an outdoor sampling site with sampling equipment on trolly's. Team members each wear face masks for covering during COVID-19 Singapore re-opening

Environmental Surveillance

Monitoring of indoor and outdoor settings for detection of microorganisms

Two women stand facing each other. One women administers a spray to the other which wears an enclosed bonnet and N95 mask, to ensure proper fitting of N95 masks

Respiratory Health

Investigation of the impact of the air microbiome on respiratory disease symptoms

Rows of petri dishes with fungal and bacteria cultures collected from air.

Airborne Organisms

Isolation, characterization, and sequencing
of organisms captured from air

Get in Touch

Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Science Engineering (SCELSE)
Nanyang Technological University
60 Nanyang Drive, SBS-01N-27
Singapore 637551

Prof. Stephan C. Schuster
scschuster [at]